Helping you overcome unconscious fear to access your hidden potential.



/ self-awareness

Uncover the unconscious
stories that hold you back
and cause you to feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

/ self-belief

Explore uncertainty with confidence and experience what’s possible when you move beyond your fears.

/ adaptability

Expand your perspective, live in harmony with disruption, capitalise on change and realise your potential.

My name’s Stephen


I'm a coach and mentor with more than 15 years of experience building and leading high-performing teams, and helping individuals and organisations flourish in uncertain and challenging circumstances.

I specialise in reconnecting people with their inherent adaptability by uncovering and overturning the limiting beliefs that hold them back and sabotage their ambition.

I created adaptable edge to support and teach those suffering from anxiety, stress, and overwhelm how to use their underlying fears as a catalyst for transformation.

We were all adaptable once

As kids, we fearlessly explore our surroundings and embrace change with wonder and excitement. But, by adulthood, safety and predictability take priority, and we settle into a comfortable life of habit.

Sooner or later, though, as changing circumstances disrupt the life we've become accustomed to, we all meet our adaptable edge. We feel threatened, fear takes over, and we languish in feelings of unfamiliarity and uncertainty.

People who explore their adaptable edge free themselves from the limiting assumptions and beliefs that cause fear and rediscover the freedom and adaptability that allowed them to thrive as children. Their expanded perspective reveals hidden possibilities, and they flourish, enjoying a more productive, prosperous, and peaceful life.

The adaptables

Rediscover your adaptability

Adaptability is the quality that allows us to change in response to our circumstances, and, like any skill, it's mastered through regular practice.

Our approach leverages 25 years of academic research which has been used successfully by thousands of people just like you. It breaks adaptability down into two skills which, when mastered, create highly adaptable people.

The first is introspection - the ability to observe and examine your thoughts and emotions to develop self-awareness. Introspection is a reflective process of contemplation that helps you uncover the root causes of your fears.

The second is integration - the ability to incorporate new insight into your thoughts and behaviour and develop self-belief. Integration is a process through which you actively explore your potential by testing insights in the real world, and carefully observing and interpreting the results.

 Our services

  • / understand yourself

    Group Workshops or Individual Coaching

    Increase your self-awareness alongside teammates or other like-minded people in a two-hour facilitated workshop.

    • Reveal the assumptions and beliefs that limit your potential and cause uncomfortable feelings such as stress and anxiety.

    • Discover the tools of introspection that will allow you to continually learn more about yourself and redefine your personal narrative.

  • / experience your potential

    Group Workshops and Individual Coaching

    Develop your self-awareness and self-belief through a series of group workshops and individual coaching.

    • Explore the fears, unconscious assumptions and beliefs that hold you back. Test their validity and redefine them for optimal results in the future.

    • Achieve a specific personal improvement goal that’s currently out of reach.

    • Learn the adaptability tools necessary to reach your potential.

  • / master adaptability

    Individual Coaching

    Work one-on-one with Stephen to hone your self-awareness, deepen your self-belief, improve your adaptability and achieve your potential.

    • Undertake a deeper exploration of your unconscious mind.

    • Tackle further self-improvement goals.

    • Transform the techniques learned in our /understand yourself and /experience your potential programs from conscious action to unconscious behaviour.

  • / inspire others

    Keynote Speaking

    Inspire your team and trigger their personal and professional growth. Open their eyes to a world of opportunity in a 90-minute keynote workshop. Your team will discover:

    • What adaptability is, its advantages and why it’s necessary to survive and thrive in a world of constant, rapid disruption.

    • How to embrace change and capitalise on emerging possibilities, to realise their potential.